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‘Once & Future #28:’ Advance Comic Book Review

Previously: With the passing of Galahad, despite her best efforts to save her son, Mary has had it with this story and better the devil you know than the devil you don’t. While teaming up with her mother may not have been in her plans before, a Mary and Bridgette coalition could be pretty terrifying.

With the Christmas truce wearing out, new diversion tactics have to be employed to buy enough time for Bridgette’s plan to go into effect. With the Sword in the Stone still in play, which other Arthurian weapon claims more fame? Enter Excalibur! While some things seem to be working out for the gang, their date with the Green Knight draws nigh.

Kieron Gillen’s script takes us on a pretty wild ride, with the execution of Bridgette’s wacky plan. There are some bumps along the road, but it’s nothing that I most of our heroes can’t handle. That ending, though… I’m still in disbelief and I can’t help but to hope that there’s some sleight of hand that Gillen has planned, coz oof… as a long-time reader, this felt really awful!

Look, I know I’m pretty repetitive here, but Dan Mora and Tamra Bonvillain’s work on this series just looks bloody incredible. Emphasis on “bloody.” The character design, the scenery, the vibe. It’s all so lovely to look at. In particular, the scene with Merlin divulging his past comes across so beautifully, while sensitive and powerful at the same time. Ed Dukeshire’s lettering in that scene is a thing to behold, too, but it’s extremely effective throughout the issue. Keeping the lettering style consistent between the different supernatural characters is no mean feat, but Dukeshire does it so well.

Overall, we wrap up with the culmination of certain plot points, but we’re left with a lot more of Bridgette’s plan to go.       

Creative Team: Kieron Gillen (writer), Dan Mora (artist), Tamra Bonvillain (colorist), Ed Dukeshire (letterer)
Publisher: BOOM! Studios
Click here to purchase.

Wenxian Tan, Fanbase Press Contributor



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