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‘Grim #1:’ Advance Comic Book Review

Grim. Grim, grim, grim, grim, grim. Why are reapers so grim? A question we’ve certainly all asked ourselves. I suppose it’s because the uniform stinks and there’s no dental. Been there. But hey, when you’re dead, it’s all under the table. Guess how many feet under? 

Grim, written by Stephanie Phillips, has a familiar vibe into the world of the afterlife and what comes with it. When dealing with the otherside (soul collecting and stories pertaining to), you’re bound to get some crossover material, and Grim is no exception. The protagonist must come to grips with the fact that they’re dead. Plain and simple. Once having somewhat come to terms with their destiny, in a fateful turn of events, they obtain the source of power from the person entrusted to guide them into the great beyond. Because that’s how ya do.  They then fail to use the magical stolen powers properly to get back the lover who dumped them. Why? Because they have no control over the power they wield. Obviously. And where does that leave our guide to the otherside? In a heap of trouble spelled with a capital “T” if she doesn’t find her magic scythe. Reaper Jessica Harrow has to find an alternate way to wrangle lovelorn, newly deceased Mr. Bryan Michael Andrews. Luckily, she has some comrades she can count on to help her along the way, and with a bit of luck, the higher ups won’t find out about this little bugaboo.

Where Grim really shines is the artwork. Panel after panel, artist Flaviano truly impresses, especially with the detail and design of the underworld. The line work melds so well with Rico Renzi’s coloring that it was a pleasure just to lose myself in. The cover art sold me. Smokey, neo-noirish, and with a very cool transition on the face of our reaper, from decrepit to durable in one detailed drawing. This is the artwork that sold pulp back in the day.

Where will Jessica and Michael appear next? Will she get her scythe back? What about Michael? Will he figure things out before Jessica gets her hands on him? These and more questions may be answered in the next issue of Grim.

If you’re a fan of the genre and looking to start something brand new, give Grim a shot. Definite visceral eye candy.

You Can Thank Me Later…

Creative Team: Stephanie Phillips (writer), Flaviano (artist), Rico Renzi (colorist), and Tom Napolitano (letterer)
Publisher: BOOM! Studios
Click here to purchase.

J.C. Ciesielski, Fanbase Press Contributor



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