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‘I Am Alone:’ Movie Review

I Am Alone is a zombie survival story that fills its viewers with a sense of isolation, thrilling chase scenes, and beautiful landscapes. Gareth David-Lloyd, known from the television series, Torchwood, plays Jacob Fitts in this indie film. Fitts is a reality TV host where he goes off into the wilderness, and his experiences are recorded and then aired on his show, I Am Alone. Fitts is charismatic and seemingly fearless in his role as a survivalist host, as his first appearance has him traveling on a river heading toward the Colorado Rockies.

The story itself begins with actors Gunner Wright and Marshal Hilton, in their roles as Mason Riley and Dr. Marlow, introducing the plot and sense of isolation as they discuss past events in a small room of a science facility. As it’s soon discovered, they have recovered footage of Fitts’ journey, and he’s changed, and more importantly, the recordings show “his transformation over days, not minutes and not seconds” like everyone else. This sets the tone early to how Fitts is not only a central character in the film, but a primary element to this deadly outbreak, potentially the only way to understand it and hopefully help find a way to combat it.

The clips from the footage are the showstoppers of I Am Alone, giving viewers the early stages of people turning to zombies, and how Fitts is unaware of these initial accounts as he treks through the wilderness. These solo accounts from Fitts present a likeable, authentic person as he shares stories from his life, and as he reacts to different circumstances on his scheduled seven-day expedition. David-Lloyd’s portrayal of a confident, fun-loving character, turned concerned, and then afraid for his life, is incredible to watch, which explains his multiple awards as Best Actor in this role. One of the greatest scenes of the entire film revolve around him sitting on a log, with picturesque skies lingering in the background, as he attempts to still justify his role as a survivor host – yet, the audience can see he’s grappling with the realization of the danger he’s in, as if he’s looking into the distance for his friends to show up and rescue him.

I Am Alone produces intense, near-miss action sequences, with close-up shots and over-the-shoulder camera angles, highlighting Riley as he escapes from zombies and goes in search of his friend. It’s a terrifying premise to be in such close proximity to those looking for their next human meal, while also providing enough intrigue to want to know what’s going to happen next or see how it will end.

I Am Alone is currently available to purchase online.

S.T. Lakata, Fanbase Press Senior Contributor



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